Victoria's Health Journey
Sep 07, 2021
I'm going to take you waaaay back for just a minute. When I was 21 years old I had a cardiac event. Pretty much I dropped dead - but - the good news is I was in the emergency with a friend when it happened! So I am here to tell the tale. I ended up having an experimental procedure at the time called an ablation. Common today I know, but at the time I was even on the CNN Health show because of it! Let's just say this was a turning point in my life where I realized just how fragile life was and I didn't want to take it for granted or waste it. I became a nutritionist (and a vegan back before it was a thing!) and a fitness instructor. I was living life to the full and that's probably why my husband fell for me.
We married and started a great adventure. Our daughter Regan was born in Hong Kong . As she entered high school she developed incredible digestive issues. I did every chart you could think of - stress, gluten, dairy - and we simply could not figure it out. My son, Garrett started having noticeable focus issues at a very early age. I did everything I could to avoid meds, but finally the school said "He can't come back until he's medicated". Then, we adopted our beautiful Kailin. We were told she was healthy, but at the age of two, she was diagnosed with a blood disorder. This caused her to be severely immune compromised and a common cold would immediately turn to pneumonia. This diagnosis came while I was going through another health crisis - a severe Thyroid issue that was actually life threatening! REALLY???
I was exhausted. I was trying so hard - from the outside we looked like a nice, healthy family, but inside I felt like we were all falling apart.
I was trying everything. We ate organic. I was putting us on every detox that came by. We all drank our protein shakes with whatever natural supplement I could find stirred in! We were earthing, exercising, meditating and praying - a lot! Don't get me wrong. These things were helping, but it just didn't seem to be coming together. Until I found the missing piece.
A little over 4 years ago my husband went to lunch with a long time friend who happened to be traveling through our city in China. You guessed it - he had left his position as CEO of a fitness equipment company to "do doTERRA". David came home and said I HAD to hear what Jon was doing - I was beyond skeptical - as you already know, I was already a "health nut" and had never heard of this in all my research. I didn't want to take the subway at 7:30am for an hour to hear about "snake oils" that were probably toxic! When David said - maybe it could help the kids, I went.
I had a brief chat with Jon and he gave me a small box of oils and a binder. I went home and studied them for almost 2 months. With Kailin's blood disease I had to be MORE THAN SURE about things I allowed into her life. I couldn't put them on her and hope they wouldn't hurt her. She had already lost her hearing moderately due to an overdose of antibiotics from all the bouts of pneumonia! The day I finally did put them on her (honestly, out of desperation because she had caught another cold that was running its horrible course.) changed our lives forever.
I shipped a huge box to Regan at Dartmouth and exclaimed "YOU must try this!!" She did the Cleanse and Restore Gut reset...and then again and has never looked back. She has now joined me in my doTERRA mission and is studying nutrition and public policy at Harvard - because we now KNOW we can change the world! In regards to my son, with nutrition, meditation and the oils he is off all meds (we did this with his doctors supervision) and he is studying positive psychology at LMU. My thyroid, well, I lost it. However, I am managing my energy and weight again with nutrition and oils. It has become my mission to tell everyone that we have a better way. A first line of defense for our families. I believe in my heart Kailin would not have lost her hearing had I known sooner - and if I can help one child to live a better life - I'm in!
Now I am a Presidential Diamond leader and Founder of doTERRA China and Founder of OYL (Own Your Life) Without Boundaries. With a global team of over 6,000, in more than 40 countries, I have developed an outstanding training and educational system to reach around the world and help you do the same - wherever you are.
Have questions about making small changes for long-term better health? Or are you interested in looking at what I do? Book a time that works for you and let's chat!